Things changes when you have a baby and you just can't go to movies on opening night on a whim anymore. Things like finding a babysitter for a 4 month old become a huge deal. Do we ask a neighbor with kids, a friend nearby who doesn't have kids (and not really sure if they even know how to change a diaper, or like kids) or friends with kids (one more won't tip the scale, would it…)? On these ‘rare’ occasions we really wished we had family nearby. My wife and I are huge fans of the Harry Potter books and have even resorted to taking an afternoon off work-which is becoming harder to do these days. A theatre, here in L.A. at the Grove, have Mommy Movies (don't get me started on the name) that allow you to bring your crying and occasionally finicky baby with stroller and all. But they're only on Monday mornings. Why not on weekends? Theatre owners-I would pay money if you did this! Please, do it for the children....
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