When I was a kid, maybe around my daughter’s age or perhaps older, Kentucky Fried Chicken use to give away some pretty cool plastic hand puppets of Colonel Sanders.
McDonald's later caught on to the puppet fever and released their own plastic hand puppets of Grimace, Ronald, and I think that weird bird that couldn’t fly because she ate too many Fry Guys... I don't remember her name.
No matter, everybody knew those hand puppets weren’t nearly as cool as “The Colonel” - at least in my area of the world.
I use to play with my Colonel Sanders plastic hand puppet all the time. It use to battle with my Gobots (‘The Colonel’ would always win fights with his signature drumstick chop torpedo of doom), I would draw with it (I swear I could draw better with it on, maybe it was the magic of 11 herbs and spices), and sometimes it would be my only friend at 1am when my mom finally came home from work smelling like alcohol and cigarettes (“Colonel, why do mother and father fight so much…?”)
I miss that hand puppet(s)
I don't want to recreate the past, but I can recreate the Colonel. So I’ve created a "Colonel" Paper Craft updated for a new generation complete with his cane, signature white suit, and of course bucket of that finger lickin' good chicken (with 11 unknown magical herbs and spices from the planet Kentucky.)
This is what he looks like built...

...and here’s the Printable to make your very own:
Far be it for me to suggest you have too much time on your hands, but...
I remember those handpuppets !!
And also, how lame it would be in a McHappyMeal* of today (*sorry to deviate, but it's the boy's meal-of-choice )
And KFC Australia generally give out lame Nickelodean Promo CD's with their lame kids meals ( 4 nuggets ? My age/height/weight appropriate child needs 6, thankya-very-much!)
Now i'm thinking... gee... Elvis started off age/height/weight appropriate too, didn't he ?
I am such a bad parent.
re: Flightless McD's bird? Birdie (I know).
And dude, you've got mad skillz. Can you make a paper craft Gobot now?
I totally remember the mcd's puppets but not the kfc. You are too funny for making those.
That is hilarious! It's obvious some or all of those herbs/spices are definitely addictive. That reminds me of the dream job I never had, designing product packaging.
I sent this post to my husband at work and now he and his colleaques are assembling Colonels AS WE SPEAK.
Beck -- That's awesome! Soon they'll have an army of Colonels...
SciFi Dad -- Sure, but the Gobot will strangely resemble Lionel Richie...
h&b -- The Colonel has obviously sold out to Nickelodeon in Australia...
Maybe it's just too far away from Kentucky's oversight.
This is too funny!
BTW, I used to work at the ad agency that created and designed all the McD Happy Meal boxes and toys. This was after the hand puppets, before all the toys were licensed and promoting movies or Barbie. This idea of yours is one of the cleverest I've ever seen!
Sweetie! Step away from Adobe Photoshop and the printer! Slowly! Or I'll have to take you down! :)
Did you ever think you could get them on eBay?
Hurry before the auction ends!!!
I totally think you should patent it! Did you contact Martel to see if they can sell this Tony? It could be your ticket out to working for "the man"!! That's awesome dude!!
It's pouring rain outside, my kids are hella bored, and you? YOU have come to my rescue!! With sincerity, I praise you for this!
wow, that brings back memories! Could you make me a Battlestar Galactica template?? I would like one of Lee Adama, please!
I remember those puppets. Now they'd probably have the backside filled with warning labels telling you not to wear it as a hat or breathe into it.... *sigh*
Damn, Gobots! I will sheepishly admit to never having a Transformer when I was a kid (yes, I'm 31, and never had a Transformer—for shame!) but I did have a few Gobots. They never did take off, did they?
Great printable puppet. Sweet!
LOL bored are we??? I will have to admit to my daughter that I'm old and then print this out for her to make! LOL
Sarah O. --- Really?! I think you need to call some "friends" and have them bring some plastic puppets back.
I'm just saying...
Coal Miner's Granddaughter -- Before you attack I must warn you.
I'm holding a drumstick and I'm not afraid to use it!!
Either you are a creative genius or have way too much time on your hands. I think you're somwhere inbetween!
btw it rocks. do the lionel one next!
Your printables are seriously the best. That's one lucky kid. UNless, you know, you are ignoring her in favour of your printer.
This is cool dude!
I gotta print it out and try.
Can you make a Mother Hen puppet? Make sure you draw a very pretty Hen face though, maybe one who is like a Princess??? :)
Brilliant! And elegant in its simplicity.
Great cutout. It's looks like a four pack of thighs would fit in his head too.
It looks like WALL-E has some competition.
Dude! I just ate me some chinese and now you have me craving for some extra crunchy with cole slaw!!
Dad Stuff -- His head is designed to hold popcorn chicken.
kittenpie -- She stays very close to the printer. Just to make sure I don't forget she's around.
You freakin' crack me up.
Hahaha! You're CRAZAY! I love it!
Oh my! That is totally awesome! I love it.
reminiscent of Happy Meal Sue's topless land o lakes lady!
Dude you are waaay into the colonel...
And crafty, too! Who knew?
I remember those puppets, too.
crack. me. up. Lionel Richie and the Colonel: WWF PUPPET SMACKDOWN.
You could do a Nicole Richie too, but make sure it fits on only one finger for accuracy sake.
Well,Tony, it just so happens that my kids are having a sleep-over tonight and they begged me if they, too, could try to make your cool craft. So here goes...
Ruth Dynamite -- Wow, that's cool...
Bee Repartee -- If it were Nicole, it would be just the edge of the paper.
Tenakim -- I remember making that in Jr. High...
You should teach a class, or workshop on that.
For reals. :)
Could I love you more right now? No. If you didn't already have a kid I would totally offer to have your babies.
I still could. Just say the word. Cause my son is gunna have freakin' KITTENS when he sees this.
I love you. For real. Even more than Ninja.
too funny.
Hi. Just wanted to say cool blog and nice article in the paper this weekend!
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