It seems like it was only yesterday when this blog was created, with a 3-week old baby who had absolutely no concept of what 3am or sleeping meant, was in my arms.
Back then I wasn’t sure about what I was going to “blog” about. Maybe about art, or design, or post my sketches. Or maybe about monkeys with handguns, mustaches and top hats or something like that.
But whatever it was, it was going to be temporary because I had other things to do like write a novel, a movie script, illustrate 10 books, and learn to speak French & Japanese while taking flying lessons.
But then I got sidetracked…
I started writing about family life, my KFC obsession, strange men’s facials, parenting, Ohio, breast milk (*shivers*), among countless of other weird things I thought nobody (except my wife or that angry in-law in Ohio because I'd never heard of a "buck-eye" before) would ever read.
Now that my daughter is 3 I keep wondering how long I'll keep this up. Maybe it's when the wife doesn’t pay attention to my gift suggestions about Christmas and Father’s day gifts anymore? Maybe it's when I finally own an island in the South Pacific? Or maybe it could be when my daughter is old enough to Google and finds out I’ve been writing about her for years and cries at me to STOP because I’m embarrassing her in kindergarten …?I just don’t know. Although the wife ignoring gift suggestions definitely justifies an end.
CTD Highlights
Favorite posts over this past year:
- An open letter to the wife regarding fathers day
- Whats its like calling the poison control centerMother's day coloring pages that you won't find anywhere else
- The Easter bunny must be living large in beverly hills
- I'm preparing for my daughter’s kindergarten interview
- A message to toddlers: nose picking is very unpatriotic!
- My daughter’s imaginary friend: an unauthorized biography
- When 'time outs' don’t work
- I have a poop obsessed child AND the monster is in the mail
- Exterminator wanted! apparently my house is infested with monsters *Popular
- What? santa claus makes toddlers behave...
- Potty training coloring pages *Popular
- Colonel sanders and santa claus must be brothers or just angels sent from heaven
- Halloween night randomness! Pet parents, pimps, and...
- I think they may take away my man card
- Are you there God? It’s me Tony…what’s happening to me!?
1st year links
2nd year links
The post that started it all...
Confessions of bunny killer
Great recap. I'll have to read the last few later though (just some from the second year). I think I forgot my blog-i-versary again this year...
Happy Blogiversary...If you see some creepy stalker from NY reading every archived post to catch up..Yeah, that's me.
Having just really discovered you (does it count as a discovery if the blog author kindly left a comment at the blog of the one claiming to now have made this wonderful discovery?), I have much to catch up on here. I'm sure after doing that, I'd encourage you to keep on going. My blog is nearly 2 years old, and I was going to write one post to appease someome harping on me to blog, then pull it down. Now it's just me prattling on.
I would still love to read a post about monkeys and handguns.
Congrats on making it three years!
Happy blogiversary! It's fun to keep writing even after the kids find out about the blog, by the way. I haven't been called an embarrassment yet, but that's probably only a couple of years off.
Tony, I'm so glad I found your blog. It was the post of your daughter's b-day w/Elvis impersonator that got me hooked! And to find out you are a fan of the Colonel, I feel a "blog buddy bond" with you. Ok, that's a bit corny. But I'm glad I found your blog. Keep on writing!
Happy blogiversary!
I didn't know what I was going to write about at first, either. Sometimes, I still don't know what I'm all about, since I tend to hop around. That's the beauty of it, though, isn't it? Brains are messy, blogs can be, too.
happy blogiversary!
Three years. Wow. And to think that you didn't know what you would write about. You are one of a kind. Glad to come by.
Awesome re-cap. Love the best of CTD. Congrats on your blogaversary! And keep writin', 'cause me loves readin'.
What is it that Pooh says? Many happy returns of the day!
I mention Pooh because 3 year olds love pooh, and poo.
No-one else keeps me up with the Colonel like you do !
Happy 3rd Bloggi ( I believe the 'traditional' anniversary gift for this momentuous occasion is some Hot-n-Spicy )
Chicken, that is.
Happy Anniversary!
I just discovered your blog in the last several months, and really enjoy it! I've linked several people, including my KFC-owning buddy. :)
My fave post so far was the Mother's Day coloring page one, for sure. But I also particularly enjoyed seeing your birthday gifts...the Colonel in Tijuana...love it!
Has it really been 3 years already!? Happy Blogiversary, Tony! Hope you celebrated with a bucket of chicken. :)
Happy Blogiversary!!
Happy Blogiversary! Now, please get busy and start on the post about monkeys with handguns. I'm intrigued...
3 of the happiest years of my life.
Congrats, Tony!
Happy Blogiversary to you!
OK, I'll shut up now.
Happy Birthday, hon!
Happy Blogiversary! The first post I read was about taking your daughter to see the Doodlebops and how you thought she was going to rip her pull up off and throw it on stage. I laughed so hard I cried. I called everyone I know and read it out loud to them. Please don't give it up, you have a gift! Thanks for the laughs (and the tears - Damn that Daddy's Little Girl song!).
Happy Blogiversary! Now go get some chicken, you deserve it!
Just started reading your blog in the past year and it has been a finger lickin' good time! Head straight to KFC for a blogiversary bucket! I might just grab me some mashed taters and a couple of pieces and read some of those posts you mentioned.....
So happy you're still around to amuse us! Happy Blogaversary to YOU!
And no worries, just look at The Colonel, he keeps getting better year after year . . .
congratulations Tony. I enjoy your blog
Congrats Tony.
Oh yes I still remember many of the posts vividly and your sense of humor.
I think your daughter will thank you for all the memories you have captured in writing. And not forgetting the lovely letters you write to her every year on her birthday. You really are an awesome dad, in addition to being the author of this awesome blog.
Now send some popcorn chicken over please :)
Happy Blogversery. I forgot mine!
Happy BV, Tony! One of these days we're going to share a bucket of KFC chicken while illustrating a children's book about knife-fighting spider monkeys.
I do loves the blog. Plus, I have to thank/blame you for making me start mine. Congrats on your anniversary!
Congratulations, blogging with a baby is lots of work! My blog started about the same way.
<--- Guilty as well of not knowing of your existence, prior to your comment on another blog! Congrats on the blogiversary! It appears I have some reading up to do, and I can't wait! Enjoy a drumstick-then get back to blogging!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Wow, happy blogoversary. Inspiring! I just hit one month, so I am humbled... Looking forward to reading through your favorite posts.
I'm late to the party, and you probably are tired of receiving notes of congratulations, but... What the heck.
A very Happy blogoversary to you!
Here's to many more!
I'm just lucky enough to have stumbled across your blog on your anniversary. I love it! I've been reading and reading and reading!
Love your sense of humor, and look forward to reading lots more.
Happy Year 3. I often wonder about my kids reading about the stuff I've written. Maybe I just won't let them learn how to read.
I feel compelled to let my dad blogrollees know that there is boobage today. Thank you for your time.
Happy blog anniversary!
Big congrats!
happy blog anniversary.
happy blog anniversary.
Found you from Fairly Odd Parent's comment section (usually I only care about what I write, but as an ex-ad gal I noticed your "handle.")
So what? Now I need to go through THREE YEARS of brilliant (and lovingly brief) posts.
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