It's pumpkin carving season and what would Halloween by without a Lionel Richie, Colonel Sanders, or Gary Coleman Jack-O-Lantern? Pretty boring.
This year was a tough one for my annual stencil making. My daughter was requesting a Princess and the Frog stencil - thanks to the commercials and billboards all around town for the upcoming movie. Oddly enough they don't make any pumpkin stencils for the new Princess so I created one for her.
An oldie I've always wanted to try was Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin. Now after creating it, I don't know if it'll live up to the neighbors expectations. They really liked the Lionel pumpkin last year and the Colonel Sanders one the year before that.
I have considered making the Colonel one again and improving upon it by putting real KFC fried chicken in it.
I'm still thinking about that one. It may be something I put together for a Halloween party.
Or I may just carve up the Balloon Boy. Although now looking at it, I may have to add his Dad getting arrested while he floats away...
Here are this year's stencils (click to download)

Prior year's Pumpkin Stencils can be found here:
Jack Skellington, Lionel Richie, Gary Coleman, Colonel Sanders, Chewbacca, Mud Flap Truck Girl, Fairy, Ninja, Doodlebop.
A big thanks to all of those who have emailed me directly with pictures of their pumpkins using my stencils. Even though I can't respond to all emails, I do appreciate you taking the time do to so and really enjoy seeing the pictures.
Jack Skellington, Lionel Richie, Gary Coleman, Colonel Sanders, Chewbacca, Mud Flap Truck Girl, Fairy, Ninja, Doodlebop.
A big thanks to all of those who have emailed me directly with pictures of their pumpkins using my stencils. Even though I can't respond to all emails, I do appreciate you taking the time do to so and really enjoy seeing the pictures.
Well done, sir. I was wondering when these would surface this year.
I may just have to try one, although I am more known for butchering rather than carving.
Your new stencils are great, but I will probably always love Lionel the best. I think I might have double over with laughter if I had stumbled onto it while trick or treating.
You are so funny. I love Lionel. There's a blog award for you at mine if you'll have it?
Lionel could be Tom Sellek nect year.
I think I want to do a Yo Gabba Gabba one..
Bubble Boy Stencil. Perfect. Not as scarey of Lionel Richie.
Love the stencils! Just wouldn't be Halloween without Lionel. I like the chicken in the pumpkin idea...so carve a bucket in the pumpkin. Balloon boy..ha! Have you ever given KFC pieces out to trick or treaters?
Artist Unplugged -- I could give out KFC. But then less for me - so not a good idea...
Balloon Boy, FTW!
i used the lionel richie stencil last weekend... it was a huge hit! THANK YOU!!! http://img40.imageshack.us/i/marshallsjol.jpg/
The Art of Anticipation -- Nice job on the Lionel Pumpkin!
Thanks. I may try Linus or the new princess and send you a picture.
Thank You very much.
Thanks so much for posting these stencils! Linus waiting for the great pumpkin is so cute!
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